Following natures lead to restore balance in health
My Specializations
Remove bloackages in your bioenergtic anatomy using acu / moxa treatments. Open the gates to health and vitality.
Herbal, Homeopathic Remedies
Prescribed natural remedies to meet your individual health needs.
Second Opinion
Discuss your conventional health treatments including: labs, imaging, and pharmaceutical regimine.

Naturopathic Medicine
Working with subtle phsiology to promote health. Focusing on areas and diseases not served by the conventional medicine model.
“If a plant is lacking from someone’s inner garden, then it must be given to them as medicine.”

Dr. Brucker
I entered the holistic health field through my own health journey. In the nearly 15 years through school and practice, I have learned that living the medicine requires complete engagement and changes you in surprising ways. I love continuing to learn through my patients as I support them along their own health journeys.
-Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor
-V.P. Pennsylvania Naturopathic Association
A medicine for all
We are more than the sum of our parts. A complete medicine honors that complexity seeking to address not just the physical body, but what animates us, what enlivens us, what inspires us in life. These subtle bodies are the non-materials aspects of us that are the ‘hidden’ causes of disease.
With a thorough training in both conventional and holistic medicine, Dr. Brucker practices an Anthroposophically extended medicine, a medicine that expands beyond the physical. He strives to support patients in piecing together all parts of themselves and re-orient towards more ease.
A Seasonal Health Plan
Initial Visit
90 min, go over complete health history
Set Goals
Set treatment plan; create seasonal goal
Monthly checkin
3 monthly Follow-ups to evaluate progress and tweak plan.
Quarterly review
Review after 3 months. Transition to more stabilized health.
Recent Articles
Perineural Injection Therapy
A more recent addition to the field of acupuncture over the past decade or so is perineural injection. This technique – pioneered by the New Zealand physician Dr. John Lyftogt using skin injections of glucose along superficial nerve pathways to treat neuropathic pain- is again expanding the scope of acupuncture. PIT is remarkable in its efficiency and efficacy for treating longstanding neuropathic pain in the body, conditions ranging from sciatica, to tendinitis, to trigeminal neuralgia to tinnitus.
Male Pattern Baldness and Healthy Aging
We cannot stop hair loss anymore than we can stop the forward progression of time, for male pattern baldness like wrinkles, stooped spines, and gray hair are part of the aging process; however, traditional medicine has a lot to say in terms of healthy aging which can delay and arrest the balding process; and integrated with the more aggressive tools of modern medicine, some men even be able to regrow hair.
Extraordinary Acupuncture
If you are struggling with big life issues, consider adding extraordinary acupuncture to your holistic treatment plan. It activates the deepest parts of ourselves to work through the big questions of our lifetime such as: who am I? what is my purpose? how do I move on? where do I go from here?
Digesting Emotions
I had been treating a patient for pain of their lower leg and constipation. After just a month treatment, the pain was completely gone and the digestion was mostly normalized. I looked back to the original goals the patient had made when they started treatment to...
My Practice
710 Meetinghouse Rd, Elkins Park, Pa 19027
Make an Appointment
Easy online booking
Open Hours
Tuesday – Wednesday: 1pm – 7pm
Thursday: 10am – 7pm