Buzzy Buddies

Buzzy Buddies

In natural medicine, we look for our a reflection of our ourselves  in nature for balance when our own processes go astray. Observation reveals that bees are natural analogs of our immune system. They are both tasked with sifting through an external environment and...
Salty Thoughts

Salty Thoughts

With the passing of labor day, we enter the ‘back-to’ season, back to school back to work, back to take-in and processes what we have done out in the world over the course of the year. Remember that job we sought? or relationship we entered? or mountain we climbed?...
Mid-Summer Refreshment

Mid-Summer Refreshment

Summer with its long hot days invite us to come out play. Take a vacation! Reconnect with relatives! Lounge in the park reading a novel! With increased exposure to the hot-hot sun, replenishment of nutrients and fluids becomes important, and sometimes water alone is...