

The topic at hand is topicals, an underutilized medicinal application. We as a culture suffer from an oral fixation as if the only real form of medicine is swallowed. I suffered from the same biases that is until I worked with a patient who was able to stave off acute...
Mid-Summer Refreshment

Mid-Summer Refreshment

Summer with its long hot days invite us to come out play. Take a vacation! Reconnect with relatives! Lounge in the park reading a novel! With increased exposure to the hot-hot sun, replenishment of nutrients and fluids becomes important, and sometimes water alone is...
Rethinking cholesterol standards

Rethinking cholesterol standards

The prescribing of statins for elderly patients with high cholesterol had always caused me some hesitation. Statins block a key enzyme in the synthesis of cholesterol to lower both total cholesterol and ‘the bad guy’ LDL. I knew the dogma that high cholesterol is...